Files and Documents
Did you know if you want to install a fence, the City of Rogue River requires a permit? No fee is required until the permit is approved. If you or a contractor do any work that ties up the public right of way, that requires an Encroachment Permit. To protect our waterways, any work done in the floodplain must be approved with an Erosion Control Permit. Please call City Hall if you do not see an application here, of if you need more information about a topic.
Here are commonly needed or referenced documents for Administrative Services in the City of Rogue River. Others may also be available under a more specific category.
- Building Permit Application
- Encroachment Permit Application
- Fence Permit Application
- Land Use Application
- Public Records Request
- Sign Permit Application
- Park Reservation Application
Business License/Tax Registration Applications (Valid July 1 2024-June 30 2025):