The Administrative Services department provides support for the Mayor and City Council, City Administrator, all city departments, and ultimately for the general public. Administration Staff is often the first point of contact regarding City issues and is happy to assist customers in obtaining information and scheduling appointments.
City Administrator:
The City Administrator/Recorder is appointed by the City Council to oversee the day-to-day operations of the City, much like a general manager oversees the operations of a private company. Rogue River's City Administrator/Recorder is Ryan Nolan.
Some of the basic roles and responsibilities of a City Administrator include the following:
- Supervision of day-to-day operations of all city departments and staff, directly and through department heads;
- Human resources director, finance director, and planning director for the city;
- Facilitation of goals and policies as set by the mayor and city council;
- Preparation, monitoring, and execution of the city's annual budget;
- Main technical advisor to the council on overall governmental operations;
- Community relations, such as meeting with citizens, citizen groups, business, and other stakeholders (the mayor also functions in this role);
- Developing effective partnerships with surrounding cities, counties, state and federal agencies, and other local organizations seeking to improve quality of life in the City of Rogue River.
Some of the basic roles and responsibilities of a City Recorder include the following:
- Custodian of official records for the City, including ordinances, resolutions, deeds, and contracts;
- Maintaining the City Charter and Municipal Code;
- Administering municipal elections, assisting candidates, and working closely with Jackson County;
- Serving as the clerk to the City Council;
- Publishing agendas and minutes for the City Council;
- Fulfilling public records requests;
- Responsible for Utility Billing.
Ryan Nolan City Administrator (541) 582-4401 ext. 106 Email Ryan Nolan
Diane Oliver City Recorder (541) 582-4401 ext. 102 Email Diane Oliver
Paige Chick Finance Officer (541) 582-4401 ext. 104 Email Paige Chick