City Hall is open from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Thursday. If it's after hours, drop any payments or paperwork in the lockbox by the front door. This is a secure spot and checked several times daily.


The planned temporary shutdown of water main on Oak Street between Main Street and 2nd Street has been completed.

DATE: Friday, March 7, 2025


Water is now restored and the boil notice is no longer in effect.

Now that the water has been restored, you will need to run cold water to flush any particles and air from your lines.

City staff have pulled water quality samples for bacteria as required by Oregon Health Authority. These samples were delivered to a laboratory for analysis. We can now inform you that tests show no bacteria and you no longer need to boil your water.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this process.


For more information call City Hall at 541-582-4401 

General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by contaminants in drinking water are available from the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791 or the Oregon Health Authority, Drinking Water Services at 1-971-673-0405.

State of the City Message 2025

2024 was a year of positive change for the city. Our accomplishments were many and our setbacks were few.

For the first time in many years we have a fully staffed Police Department. And as sad as it was to say goodbye to Chief of Police Jim Williams, with his assistance, we were able to find and hire the perfect replacement, welcoming Chief Dave Rash to our team in March. Our administration office is also fully staffed now and the Public Works Department can boast the addition of a few more to their ranks as well.

Some of our most notable accomplishments were as follows:

New bill paying options, including credit card, over the phone, on-line, automatic, and on-line building permits.

The completion of Rooster Park with the final piece being a mural wall dedicated to Wanda Nesbit, the founder of the Rogue River Mural Society.

The first National Night Out event. This was a huge success and we hope to continue it yearly.

The successful negotiation to include yard debris recycling for just those who want it with our renewed Southern Oregon Sanitation Franchise Agreement.

The adoption of updated policies, procedures and a number of code amendments to ensure that we are up to date with current law.

The approval of various new businesses and uses in our commercial district. This includes a new garden shop, a grower’s market, a food truck site and a new day care/school based health center to name just a few.

We also saw the approval of three small subdivisions that will hopefully provide some much needed housing.

We would have liked to have started building the new water reservoir this year however it was discovered by our new City Engineer that there were some design and engineering flaws in the existing plan that needed to be corrected. That work is underway and we will finally be able to go out for bid sometime this summer.

Besides our new City Engineer, we also have a new City Attorney and new Auditor. Not only did this result in a savings to the city but it also gave us a fresh viewpoint and prospective on the legal and financial challenges that we continue to face.

I feel blessed, fortunate and proud to live in Rogue River. In the 25 years that I’ve been here, the city has managed to keep its values and charm yet grow and improve. This wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated service of the City Council, Planning Commission and all of our Committee members, the hard work of our employees and the countless hours that our wonderful volunteers have selflessly given to preserve, beautify and maintain this city of ours. And I’m confident that we will meet any challenges that come our way in 2025 with grace, tenacity and renewed purpose.

                                                                                Respectfully Submitted this 2nd day of January 2025,

                                                                                        Mayor Pam VanArsdale


The Oregon Health Authority has mandated all community water systems to inventory water service lines on both the City side and the Home owner side to identify any lead service lines in the distribution system. As of 1986, Oregon law prohibits the use and installation of lead piping, therefore we were only required to inventory service lines older than 1986. The City of Rogue River completed an initial assessment of approximately 100 service lines by visually inspecting the City side and the home owner side at the meter and determined there are no lead service lines in our system based on a statistical analysis approach approved by the Oregon Health Authority. We will continue to physically inspect the remaining service lines through the coming year to ensure that our community’s drinking water is safe and free from lead. If you have any direct knowledge about the type of piping material your water service line is, please contact City Hall and let us know.  A copy of the inventory can be found at:

Lead Service Line Inventory


news and updates

The City is looking to hire a seasonal utility worker. 

Find more information under the "City Government" tab.

            The City now has several options when it comes to paying your utility bill.  Set up automatic payment options at the following link: 


If you have an Internet connection and an email address, you can now pay your bill online. You are
also able to “opt in” to paperless billing and receive an email notification when your bill is
ready to view. It’s fast, it’s easy, and you no longer have to write a check each month or find a
stamp when it’s time to send in your payment.

We have partnered with Xpress Bill Pay, the premier provider for online bill payment.

When you sign up for online bill payment you’ll create a secure password that you use to access
your personal account at Every month we’ll send you a reminder email to let
you know when your bill is online.

Then, just log in through your Web browser or the Xpress Bill Pay Mobile App and view your bill.
Select a payment type — credit card, debit card, or electronic funds transfer — enter the
information, and you’re done! It’s that easy, and it only takes you a few minutes each month.

We’re offering this service at the request of customers like you. Sign up today to see why so many
people consider this method as the best way to pay their bills.
• To sign up for online bill payment, go to
• You can pay your bills with a credit or debit card, or you can transfer funds directly from your
checking account.

• You can pay your bill from anywhere. Customers outside the U.S. can contact our Payment Center
anytime to make a payment or to set up an Auto Pay.

• After you complete the transaction, you can receive an email receipt to confirm the payment went

• You can view up to a year’s history of your account online, so you can compare your current bill
to a year ago.

• If you’d like, you can select the Auto Pay option and your bill will be paid automatically each
1. Go to
2. Click on the “Sign Up” button on the top of the home screen. Fill in the email and password
fields, then click in the “I’m not a robot” box and follow the prompts.

3. Complete the short registration form and click “Next.”

4. Go to your inbox and open the verification email then click “Verify Email”. Then select
“Continue” to log in.

5. Select your billing organization and follow the prompts for linking your bill.

6. Once your bill is added to your account, you can add another bill, view and pay your bill
online, or setup a recurring auto payment schedule.


Although we encourage creating an account to get the most out of this new service, Xpress Bill Pay
does offer Guest Checkout for those that are not yet wanting to set up an account.

To make a phone payment with a live operator,
call 1-385-218-0343. This service is available in English and

The City's Annual Budget Meeting 

A public meeting of the City of Rogue River was held on June 20, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at 133 Broadway Street, Rogue River, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 (next year) as approved by the City of Rogue River Budget Committee.  The Council adopted the annual budget as found here:  2024-2025 Budget Part 1 and Part 2

 >>The latest water quality report is available for review. As expected, it shows the City of Rogue River drinking water exceeds Federal and State Requirements.

Want to get involved in the City as a volunteer?

  • In order to serve the City in any of the Committee volunteer roles, you must live within City Limits and be a registered voter. Applications are available at City Hall, or for download here: City Council, Planning Commission and Budget Committee.